

On this page you will find information to help you:
We have put together a few items for you that can make all the difference to you as an author.

Need to get your book reviewed or a critique done?

We now offer a service to have a critique of your book done; a light critique or a full critique depending on your needs. Our service is a little different because we tell you how to improve your book from a marketing point of view not just a literary one. After all you want to sell your book not keep it as a memento.

With a light critique you get a one page report on the how to improve your book, how a change here or there will improve the book.

With a full book critique we tell you everything that you can do to make your book saleable and to a standard that any publisher would accept. You also get two critiques, one for Grammar and spelling, and one for creativity and flow.


Light critique $175

Full book critique $395.

Who does the critique:

Our editor  has a Masters in English lit and an author herself. Our other editor is an associate professor at an Australian University.

Please send us an email to with a PDF or word document of your book, we will then send you payment details.

The critique will take a week to 10 days for the light and 2-3 weeks for a full report.

1: How to build a business around your non-fiction book, mentoring program.


We have put together this information to guide you through the process of writing, publishing, marketing and promoting your book in order to turn it into a best seller. Below are the 4 types of people who will benefit from our 7 step process:

  1. People who want to build their credibility by writing a book, increase their personal profile, and differentiate themselves from their competitors.
  2. People who want to have a best seller to make money and build a business around their self help, how to books.
  3. People who want to record their life experiences in a book and spread it around the world to help others.
  4. People who believe passionately in their message, cause or mission and want people to know about it.

If you fall into one of these categories, then you will benefit from the mentoring program.

The program lasts for 11 months and costs only $49 a month to receive our weekly e-Lessons. By the time you finish the course you will already be well on your way to being a very successful Author.

Our Becoming a Successful Author Mentoring Program is: practical, easy-to-use, step by step guidance all for only $49 per month.

If you have come to this page you’ve probably realised how important it is for you to have a successful published book. You might even have an intuitive feeling that a book business is for you and it can bring you fame and fortune. More importantly, you may be ready to start with a new passion for success that you didn’t have before. You probably want to get started with your book right now. Let me show you how I can help you do that.

You see, we were able to make a six figure income from our first book just in our first year of being authors. This replaced Irina’s salary as a doctor in the hospital in a matter of 6 months.

Since then we have travelled around the world talking to many famous authors and publishers who are absolutely professional in their field. I learnt a lot from them. Also, I went and tried and tested many things I learnt about the book business. Some of the names I learnt from are: Darren Stephens the marketing guru behind Dr John Gray “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”, Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robins, Julia Cameron (The Artist Way), Deepak Chopra, Andrew and Daryl Grant just to name a few. We attended their seminars here and in many different parts of the world. We have spent over $50000 on our education before and after we started writing our own books.

Many people ask me how I did this and if I can teach them to do the same. So, I have decided to put together this mentoring program to show you step by step what you need to do to achieve the same result I had. The Mentoring Program lasts for 11 months. You will receive a certificate when you finish it.

I can tell you if you implement all the steps which are in the Mentoring Program for your Self help, How to books or business books you will get your best-selling book business up and running which will make you a lot of money and inspires passion in you and your readers.

Here is what you get in the Mentoring Program:

Weekly e-classes. You will receive them every single week by e-mail. Every e-class describes an important step in the writing, publishing and marketing process for your book. Simply by doing one step per week you can achieve the result of getting your book business up and running successfully.
Personal coaching with William and Irina Webster where we can discuss any questions you may have about writing, publishing or marketing your book. You will get 5 x 15 minute comprehensive phone session: you can call us twice a month.We can look at your work and give you valuable recommendations on how to continue based on what we did with our best selling books.. To be honest, you will not find many self-publishing companies who will personally chat with you on the phone regarding your work like we will. If they do not teach Direst response marketing they simply do not teach what we teach.
You will learn how to make your book stand out from competition, which is the absolutely essential thing in publishing. To have a best seller you will need to make your book quite different from other books in your genre. We will help you find your “hooks” or angles to make your book successful.
You will learn how to write a story that sells, which is different to just telling a story. We introduce you to a unique system on how to write a successful story based on Direct Response Marketing Techniques, also call Emotional Response Marketing. Once you understand the principles of this system you will be on your way to becoming a highly successful author.
You will learn a complete proven marketing system which is absolutely vital for your book business success.
You will learn how to make your book ready to be accepted by any book store. There are things which determine if your book can be accepted by book stores or not.
Creative writing techniques. We give you a number of them so you can choose the one suitable for you. These techniques will save you an enormous amount of time and also make you writing enjoyable and creative.
You will learn the ways to protect your intellectual property: books, products and whole business.
You will learn how to build an effective book business starting  from just one book.
You will learn how to get interviews from important people in your area (including famous people) to endorse your book.
You will get access to our team of people experienced in the writing and publishing business. We can put you in touch with researchers, ghost writers, editors, graphic artists, publishers, distributors, promoters, and other authors. Often we can get you discounted rates on many of the services you’ll need. In this business it’s often not “what you know” but “who you know” that makes all the difference.
Tools and techniques to address the fears and emotional blockages that you may encounter on your way to becoming a best-selling author. It’s likely that having a best seller will get you out of your comfort zone. How you deal with that – whether you thrive or fail – ultimately depends on how you feel about your success at a sub-conscious level. I’ll show you the techniques that top authors use to push through their fears.
Special bonus for our top students – we’ll get you published. Of course we can’t make any guarantees – ultimately it’s up to the publishers. But if you show promise and have the right product, we’ll personally introduce you to a UK publisher and a foreign rights agent. We want nothing more than to see members of our program on the best seller list.

To get started right now, simply click on the link below. We are looking forward to working with you as part of our Becoming a Successful Author Mentoring Program. But please if you are not serious and don’t have a non-fiction Self help, How to, or business book or want to write one? Then this course is not for you.

So get started today on your way to being a successful author, I can tell you will be overjoyed when you walk into a book shop and pick up your own book from the shelf.

2: Get your own unique cover designed.

Did you know that the cover of your book is the most important marketing strategy you have? Don’t believe the old saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” This is not true nowadays. In fact you only have 4 seconds in the book shop for someone to decide to buy your book or not. If you have a bad cover then they put your book down and move on to the next book.

Have a look at the great covers we have made for others: you can have a cover just like these to suit your book.

Cost only $290 for a unique front and back cover design that will help you sell your book.


Once you pay you will get a form to fill out about your book genre and other information we need to make a great cover for your book.

3: Printing books.

We can help you get great prices on printing your book. (Minimum 1000 book print run required). We can get your book printed starting at $2.00 (depending on page count) a book delivered to a port near you.

Why not contact us for a quote on your book printing needs.