
Published Books

Scruffy Wuffy’s Dog Diary

It's a new year, but what is a new year for a scruffy wuffy dog? Find out as you get to know Ollie, the scruffy wuffy dog. See how he works out his scruffy wuffy priorities for the year. With some unexpected events he may even transform into a new scruffy wuffy dog.

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The Unwanted Guest

The Unwanted Guest follows Adrian Walker, a man in his twenties, who has not long been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, as he tries to come to terms with such chronic diagnosis, all the while dealing with life’s usual problems and mistakes, as well as the expectations he has of friends, family and also himself. Katherine […]

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Kathmandu the Novel

Arum took a deep breath of the mountain air. In the east the sky was lightening and the snowy peaks had taken on a faint glow. It would be dawn in less than an hour. From across the valley came the eerie howl of a jackal. He remained still, allowing his heart rate to slow. […]

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A Family Conversation About GOD

The book is written in a conversational style. A family sitting around the table discussing the existence and nature of God: evolution and the human soul: the basis of morality; the nature of theology and religious belief; the present life versus the putative afterlife and the role of the Catholic Church. It is a very […]

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Get in the Go Zone

The Go Zone maximises the productive hours we have in each day to get the important things done without distraction or excuse. The Slow Zone is productive but non stressful.  No big decisions are made here. In the No Zone, you are not at work AND not thinking about work.  Refresh, recover and live the […]

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How to Become a Successful Author

34 Steps to Self-Publishing and Marketing Profits By Dr Irina Webster and William Webster When you discover our unique steps that we reveal to you in this book, you too can become a famous author writing and publishing your own book. You can earn thousands, even 10s of thousands of dollars for the rest of […]

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A Poet’s Life for Me

Nightclubs, faery queens, imaginary friends and madness, delve into the slightly unhinged musings of Ysabelle Moriarty. Join the journey of a wandering mind, transversing rainy days, rivers of wine and the kind of clarity one only finds on the road. 'A Poet's Life for Me' reflects a life scribbled on the backs of pub coasters […]

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Finish the Game

Unaware of the consequences Marcus and Rosie click “YES” to play their fathers interactive computer game. Chaos prevails as gale force winds swirl viciously around the room sucking the children into the game. They learn the only way home is to fulfil their destiny. Armed with shields and weapons, they begin their perilous journey to […]

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Secrets To Getting Pregnant Book

Secrets to Getting Pregnant – You Can Overcome Infertility

"My Dear Mommy! It is great that God gave me the right to choose my parents. And even more amazing: I can do it long before my conception. Without you realizing it, I have already chosen you, Mom…" from your future baby. Secrets to Getting Pregnant You Can Overcome Infertility. The best way to treat […]

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Mom Please Help Book

Mom Please Help Book

When Karen's daughter nearly died in hospital from Anorexia-Bulimia she was absolutely determined to find real help for this dreadful disease. Karen had gone through all the conventional avenues before taking things into her own hands. Karen was just a simple mother who in the face of great adversity followed her own feelings and intuition […]

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