
Ennui And The New Canoe

This is a story about the legendary Steve Irwin, (the late Australian wildlife conservationist), and a crocodile, called Ennui.  As the name implies, Ennui, after a brilliant, promising start to his career, finds he has a problem working long-term for Steve, in the tourist industry.  His talents lie dormant, and he becomes unhappy and lazy, not fulfilling his contractual obligations to Steve.  Eventually Ennui discovers his true potential as a boat builder extraordinaire, and his inner conflict is resolved.

The situation is not only sorted out to everyone's satisfaction, but what emerges is an even more mutually profitable and fulfilling business partnership than the one before.  A story that reminds children not to waste their talents, or to leave them undeveloped, but instead have faith and belief in themselves, and to follow their dreams, no matter what.  It also stands as a reminder that sometimes, not even our best friends, despite their fervent wishes for our success, always understand what is best for us, or are even aware of the full extent or correct direction of our potential.  Follow your own path, do your own thing: “To thine own self be true” is the moral of this story. 

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