
Frankfurt Book Fair 2013

Why not get your book ready to send to the largest international book fair The Frankfurt Book fair 2013.  Become an international author.

In the recently released Book Industry Strategy Group, final report to the Government September 2011.

It is recommended by the committee P59 that Australian authors should ‘include attendance at international book-fairs’ as a way of promoting their book to the wider world.

Exactly what we have been doing for the last 4 years because it works for many authors.

If you have a book ready or think you can have it ready for October 2013, then why not have it displayed at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the largest book fair in the World. This book fair specializes in getting your book published not only into English language but foreign language too.

Why think small when you can go big. Non English speaking countries are also at the Fair all looking for new books. The Australian Self Publishing group stand is in an area with the big publishing companies from other countries who will see your book everyday, so you never know what could happen.

Your book will get incredible exposure with over 7,300 exhibitors from over 100 countries, 299,000 visitors and over 10,000 journalists from around the world, all looking to do business. We offer you this opportunity at the best cost we can, we just share the costs of the stand, set up and managing the stand and printing the catalogue etc.

We arrange appointments with Publishers, Agents, and Distributors  to personally promote your book. We also seek International and foreign translation rights for your book with non-English speaking countries.

Your book is given the personal treatment and handed to book industry professionals, not just stuck on a shelf with hundreds of other books. You also get a full written report on what happened with your book.

Remember as we are authors ourselves we only try to share the costs of the stand and the other associated cost of the book fair. We actually do all the appointments at no charge to the author. The way we look at it, is we are already there so why not help others at the same time. We have found that face to face is the best, even in the age of instant emails and messaging.

How it works at international book fairs.

Companies know what they are looking for when they go there. Companies in the book industry work up to 18 months in advance. They go to the fair sourcing books that fit their business models for the future. If a company finds something that fits their model they mark the book as a potential candidate. They then take the information back to their headquarters and their editors do more investigation and it moves on from there. It is not instantaneous results, it can take time, there is a process to be followed.

If you want you can even go to Frankfurt with us under our entry badge or we can just take and present your book, it is up to you.

Don’t forget we can help you get your book ready for the Frankfurt book fair, just contact us.

PS: This is only for the serious author who wants to get their book out to the World. See the Book fair results page for the exciting results other authors we have represented at International Book fairs have got previously.

Packages Available
Copper Package.

  • Have your book listed in our main catalogue in its genre’.
  • Book front cover displayed.
  • A written spiel explaining what your book is about.
  • Your contact details given out to all interested parties.
  • Your book wi

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