

Australian Self Publishing Group: Promoting Australian Authors to the world.

Our main focus is on helping authors
in Australia and world wide to self publish. We help in all aspects from starting to write a book to the completion of a book. But more importantly helping authors convert all their hard work into sales.

What sets us apart from other companies is we help you get massive exposure for your book at the London, Frankfurt and Beijing international book fairs and you as an author onto the world stage.

We have the author’s best interest at heart and we do everything we can to help out.

We have people ask us why: what is in it for us to help you out, how come we can do things much cheaper than other people?

The answer to this is simple. We started out as authors’ writing eBooks seven years ago. The first eBook we wrote was called Pregnancy from A to Z by Dr Irina Webster MD, a help book for soon to be mothers. We sold this book to an on-line eBook publisher for $750.

Like a lot of first time authors we were so excited at being offered a sale so we sold the book. What we did not realise was there was no royalty payments, so if the book sold really well we did not get any more money. To cut a long story short the book sold thousands of copies.

But please don’t take our word for it see Amazon Plus this book is also on Amazon Kindle.

We learned a big lesson and it is something we do not want to happen to other author’s. There are a lot of sharks out there on the Internet and we don’t want anyone else to be bitten. This is one of the reasons we started the Australian Self-Publishing Group so we can give genuine and up to the minute news on what is happening in the publishing industry.

Let me explain a couple of facts about publishing so you understand why you should self- publish and not hold out hopes of getting a mainstream publisher to take your book.

At the present time there is a revolution happening in the publishing industry. Bookshops are going broke all around the world. Publishers don’t even know how they will survive: so Australian Self Publishing Group Logowhat do you think the chances are of a publisher taking on the risk of an unknown author? Next to zero!

Plus you must realise for an unknown author you would be lucky if you made 50 cents a book sold through a conventional publishing house. You also lose most of the rights to your book and have little say whatsoever in its production or marketing.

So what else can you do to get published?

Well you can contact one of the companies you find on the Internet: there are quite a lot of these. They are called Vanity publishers and will publish your book, no problem. But you have to be really careful, read all their site information, and ask them the right questions.

Just because they say that they are self publishers and that you have all the rights to your book, this is not necessarily correct. Sure you have the rights to your written words, but who has the rights to the cover, the layout or the high resolution graphics or PDFs? They do, and you do not, even though you paid for them. Just ask them if they will send you all the high res PDFs and they will refuse.

Some even make it sound like one of the benefits they give you by letting you have an eBook version of your book with a secure pin number. But you can only read it on their site and you can’t download it, an eBook is a high res copy, so you can’t have it.

You see most of these Vanity publishers want you to continue to buy your own books from them when you need more. You then have to pay top dollars for more copies of your own books. I have known authors who have signed up with overseas Vanity publishers who had to pay $19 for each book. Some local Vanity publishers want over $11 a book. If you had the high res PDFs yourself you could get books printed for half that cost. But you don’t so you will have to pay. Just try to make money from a book that costs you $19 a book to print.

We are not Vanity publishers: we are Cooperative Self Publishers, true self publishing where the author always has complete control over their books.  If you want the high res copies then once we fulfil the contract with you, you get your copies. If you can get your books printed cheaper elsewhere then you can.

So why publish with us?

We have a full team of independent, proofreaders, editors, book cover designers, graphic artists and a book printing service all working with a cooperative spirit and in a cost effective way.

We can even get your book reviewed or critiqued for you to see if it is up to international standards. You can get a full or a light critique it is up to the author.

Who does our reviews?

Our editor is a journalist for the New York Times and was an editor at Doubleday books for many years, she is very skilled. But be aware there is no sugar coating with her, if you want your book to sell then the report will tell you exactly what you need to do.

We also specialize in marketing with the aim of self reliance and the author profiting from their book. If your book is not marketed then no one will see it.

We help in finding distributors, literary agents and publishing houses for our authors or they can market the book themselves and keep all the profit.

We advise our authors on all the principles of self marketing their books from using a digital internet eBook campaign to running a successful social media campaign.

We have stands at London and Frankfurt book fairs: where we promote our author’s books to the international publishing industry.

We arrange meetings with industry professionals with the aim of selling international and translation rights. Our motto is: “Every Book is a Door to a New World”. Our aim is to unite Australian (and non-Australian) writers and bring people in the publishing industry together.

Although we started as self publishers ourselves we call our organisation Cooperative Self Publishers because we can help each other. With us you choose the amount of help you need.

That’s why The Australian Self-Publishing Group was born. Basically we have put together a team of great people who we can trust to do a great job in turning your manuscript into a best selling book.

Don’t risk your work with Vanity publishers, or hang onto the hope that a publisher will pick up your book. Publish with us and give your book the best chance of making it to the top.

Plus don’t take our word for it. See what we have done with our own books.
Two international best sellers.
Two books published by UK publishers. Abrams and Clearview.
Two books translated into non-English languages.
Six major selling eBooks.
With the first eBook we wrote, “Pregnancy from A to Z”, people built whole websites just to sell this eBook: it sold thousands of copies.

Just type into Google Dr Irina Webster MD and see for yourself. We have the runs on the board, we have done what we teach, this is the difference between us and the other companies on the Net.

William and Irina have been featured on radio 2xx Canberra and the Canberra Chronicle newspaper.


Upcoming Events for our Authors.
Book Launches, Book signings, Meet the author.Quote

Frankfurt book fair 2012

William and Irina speaking on the Sparks stage at the Frankfurt book fair in Hall 8.

William and Irina with other guest speakers from,
Kindle direct publishing & Create space, USA speaker: Atif Rafiq, Bowker, USA speaker: Patricia Payton.

Kobo Writing Life, Canada: speaker: Mark Lefebvre, BookRix, Germany speaker: Gunnar Siewert.

William and Irina promoting their book at Frankfurt book fair.

William and Irina on the specialists panel taking questions from the audience about self publishing.