

All stories connect us with each other as they trigger off a myriad of memories. This Memoir attempts to encapsulate fifty-five years of lived experience shaped by numerous stories.
In its essence, this Memoir is very different from other people’s lives. Its beginning takes root in a Commission area in Ashburton, where an alcoholic father with a bizarre sense of humour and mother prone to manic depression episodes yet fiercely committed to family watch over their children’s growth.

Childhood revolved around both unpredictability and love. As the author grew towards adulthood, education held little significance, a life as a panel beater began when he was fifteen years of age.

As time unfolded and an attraction towards Catholic priesthood emerged he entered the seminary at twenty-four. After a great struggle with education and personal growth he was ordained seven years later.

The priesthood offered great challenges and also deep frustration with a hierarchy caught in a conservative mind set. As time went by he became alienated and finally left with enormous frustration.

University and a teaching degree was then his path into another way of living. Marriage and settling down created a deep sense of harmony and a way forward, but there was still a battle within and the demon’s of the past.

Hopefully this Memoir will allow the reader to reflect on their own life and the stories that have and continue to shape how they live and love.

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