
London Book Fair 2014

Entrance to the London Book fair.

Our first big book fair is in April 2014.
The London Book Fair is an exclusive
event where you can get so many publishing opportunities like nowhere else. If you go or have your book there it will be seen by an enormous amount of publishers and distributors whose purpose is to buy books – it is the reason why they go to International Book Fairs.

As the APA has withdrawn from the LBF this year, the Australian Self Publishing Group will be the only company flying the Australian flag and name in the official London book fair catalogue that is given free to everyone attending. So all people who are looking for Australian books will come to us, this will generate more exposure for the books we take.

In the recently released Book Industry Strategy Group final report to the Government September 2011.
It is recommended by the committee (P59) that Australian authors should ‘include attendance at international book-fairs’ as a way of promoting their book to the wider world.

Exactly what we have been doing for the last 5 years because it works for many authors.

Not only that you will have the opportunity to get your book picked up by non English speaking publishers and the opportunity to sell the International Rights to your book. Of course we can’t guarantee 100% that your book will have that big a success but we guarantee you will be given the best chance of success.

Here is what we do that others will not do for you. We don’t just put your book on a shelf with thousands of other books hoping that someone will stroll past spot your book in the middle of the pile and say “Wow this is the book for me”? This will not happen. We actually personally hand your book to publishers, literary agents, scouts and distributors for them to look at. We have standing arrangements with 4 agents, one specialising in children’s books, a publishing house, and distributors to show every book we take to the fair.
We can’t guarantee they will make an offer but at the very least they will give a genuine appraisal of your book, very valuable feed back.

Checkout the video for a look at why you should come or send your book with us to the London Book Fair.

PS: Our basic aim is to help authors get their books out to the World. Like you we were sick of getting knocked back by Publishers, so have started The Australian Self Publishing Group.

As individual authors we have basically zero chance of getting our work out to the world. But as a group we have much more power and credibility. So why not join us at the London Book Fair and share the costs with us for the best possible results.

This is the exposure you get by having your book shown at the London Book Fair

  • Over 23,000 publishing professionals from every point in the publishing supply chain attend The London Book Fair annually.
  • Literary Agents/Scouts – representing international authors and looking to sell/acquire rights to print, audio, and film/TV content
  • You get your book listed on The London Book Fair website that attracts 2.2 million visits and 402240 to the exhibitors directory where you book will be.
  • You get a press release that goes out to 750 media outlets, massive exposure! This stays on the LBF website for 12 months.
  • Publishers – ranging from small to medium sized, as well as the larger publishing house’s, all conducting rights business, export and national sales and looking for new books.
  • Domestic booksellers – from both independent bookshops and the retail chains wanting to put new titles on their shelves.
  • Foreign booksellers – buying for their home markets looking to have English books translated into their own language and willing to pay.
  • Library and Information Professionals – influencers and purchasers wanting to buy new books for the libraries.
  • Production, Distribution, Technical and Creative Professionals from the UK and overseas publishers – looking for effective solutions to their business needs; your book just may fit their criteria. So you can see the advantage of attending or having your book there. You cannot get this kind of exposure for so little money anywhere.



Massive exposure for your book.

Packages Available


Copper Package.

  • Have your book listed in our main catalogue in its genre’.
  • Book front cover displayed.
  • A written spiel explaining what your book is about.
  • Your contact details given out to all interested parties.
  • Your book will be pointed out to all interested parties in your genre’.
  • Catalogue handed out to Publishers.
  • Catalogue handed out to International literary agents. Either printed or on USB.
  • Cost $150.

Bronze Package: What you get.

  • Your book is displayed on The Australian Self Publishing Group’s stand and shown to interested people.
  • Your front book cover is placed in our catalogue and handed out to the industry at the fair.
  • A written spiel explaining what your book is about in catalogue.
  • You will be sent all contact information from interested parties, so you can negotiate.
  • Your book will be offered to agents, publisher and  distributors.
  • We take your book with us.
  • Cost for this package is only $280 per title.


Silver Package: What you get

  • Your book is displayed on The Australian Self Publishing Group’s stand and shown to interested people.
  • Your book front cover with back cover information is placed in our catalogue and handed out to the industry at the fair.
  • We take your book with us to appointments at other stands, so it gets priority exposure.
  • A written spiel explaining what your book is about.
  • More listing space in catalogue than Bronze.
  • We negotiate on your behalf with publishers and agents who are interested in your book at the fair.
  • Your book will be pointed out to a German and Italian agent for consideration.
  • Your book is placed on the next best shelf after the Gold book package allocation.
  • We will handout your business cards to the industry at the fair.
  • Your cards are placed on the main stand table within easy reach.
  • Your books will be listed on the Australian Self Publishing Groups website for greater exposure.
  • You will be sent all contact information from interested parties, for you to follow up.

Cost for this package is only $380 per title. You can send your book to the fair or we can take it for you.


Recommended Package.

Gold Package: What you get.

  • Your book is displayed on The Australian Self Publishing Group stand up to 2 books per author.
  • Your book front cover with back cover information is placed in our catalogue and handed out to the industry at the fair. Extra space is allocated for a spiel on your book.
  • Your book will be prioritized in our catalogue.
  • Your book stays listed in our catalogue for two book fairs.
  • A press release for each of your books is uploaded to the LBF site where it is available to 750 Media outlets for 12 months exposure. LBF webpage has over 2 million visits a year, so this is massive exposure.
  • We take your book with us to appointments at other stands, so it gets priority exposure..
  • We personally make appointments with the publishers, agents and distributors to show them your book.
  • Your books will be presented to UK, USA and Canadian distributors who can get your book listed on and distributed to book stores in the UK, USA and Canada.
  • You are allocated space for an A4 size display photo of your book to be placed on the stand walls for greater exposure.
  • You are allocated space for a personal flyer and we will handout your flyers to interested parties and explain about your book.
  • We will handout your business cards to the industry at the fair.
  • You get your flyers and cards displayed on the main stand table, so interested people can get them easily.
  • You are welcome to join us at the book fair.
  • You get an special Authors entry badge to the fair free. (limited number available so be quick).
  • We carry your books personally with us to the book fair.
  • Your book is placed on the middle shelf at eye level for greater exposure.
  • You will be sent all contact information from interested parties, and we will advise you on contract details for any offers that are made to you.
  • Your books will be listed on the Australian Self Publishing Groups website for greater exposure.
  • Your books will be shown and offered to an International company that deals with library distribution.
  • Your book with be given to a German and an Italian agent for foreign rights consideration.
  • Search for eBook distribution with eBook publishers.
  • Your children’s book will be offered to a highly regarded international children’s book agent who has been in the industry for over 20 years.

Cost for this package is only $560 one to two books per author. With the Gold package you can send extra books to the LBF at a special discount. Information on how to do this will be sent to you.

Don’t forget with the Gold Package your book is personally handed and promoted to publishers, agents, distributors and has more time allocated to it for promotion.

For more information and to book

call 02 6291 2904 (Domestic). +61 2 6291 2904 (International)

OR to book

email: click here

Please note: Time is running out and we have to close soon, please send us an email ASAP if you would like to have your book promoted. Ask about our early bird discounts for February payment Gold Package $470.

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